The new version of skype recorder is coming soon. It is almost finished and after testing will be available for download from this website. Few bugs, including sound distortion, which appears on some systems will be fixed.
Meanwhile if you have this problem with record sound, you can fix it manually. Download archive, unzip and put two files from archive into program folder (usually C:\Program Files\SkypeCallRecorder), please choose overwrite old files option during copying files.
Download link for fix -
There will be one more significant change, program will be renamed.
This new version will cover
This new version will cover the newest version of Skype right?
I used the old version of skype and have been using your amazing call recorder, now, I've stupidly upgraded not thinking about breaking the call recorder.
Hello Current version is 100%
Current version is 100% compatibale with the latest versions of Skype (which can be found here -download Skype
), unless it is business version, we haven't test Skype Call Recorder with business version, but some users said that Skype Business version doesn't have Extras manager, and this makes impossible to connect to it by 3rd party programs.
If you have any troubles with recording in the latest versions of Skype, you can try following steps:
- From the top menu in Skype window click Tools->Options->Advanced->Advances Settings->Manage other programs access to Skype(on the very bottom, on the right panel) and check if Skype Call Recorder is allowed to use Skype.
- Try to reinstall Skype and check if Extras Manager is installed with it as described in this FAQ topic
Hi, first let me thank you
first let me thank you for this wonderful program.
I have the same issue though (.NET exception during startup) happening with the latest Beta Version for Windows. Know, using the Beta is my problem of course. Just trying to clarify what the previous poster probably meant.